On Monday morning, February 16, I will depart for Newtown, CT.This will be my second journey to Newtown - my first was in September of 2013.Being invited to once again speak with parishioners/"Spiritual Journeymen" of Saint Rose of Lima Catholic Church, to present and "Q & A" with Fifth-Eighth Grade Students at Saint Rose of Lima Catholic School is both heartfelt and embracing.
"Friendships" will be a strong point of discussion during my presentations in Newtown, CT..."What we can do for one another rather than what we can give up for this forthcoming season of Lent."The season of Lent for Christians is an exercise of careful and prayerful preparation, and daily recommitment as we examine just how we carry through on our intentions during this Holy time of the year.
Once I return home from Newtown, I'll be writing and sharing my experiences and all that I have learned from spending time with friends. Most grateful, Glenna.