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Honoring Norma Gene Strawn Rambow

Norma Gene Strawn Rambow joined the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve on November 15, 1943. She attended Cooks and Baker's School at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and she was assigned to mess Hall 54 Battalion Area at Camp Lejeune. Norma served as an Assistant Cook, a Chief Cook, a Wing Sergeant(supervising the Mess Girls) and later a Supply Sergeant. I first met Norma in 2015, when she gave me guidance while writing "Courage From The Heart," my book that remembers and pays tribute to the United States Army and Navy Nurses who were stationed at several U.S. base hospitals in the Philippines from 1941-1945. These women nurses that were sent into combat were strong, confident, and kind-their kindness was framed in courage. Norma is devoted to our country and to those women who have served in The United States Armed Forces. She is admired by her colleagues that reside with her at The Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, D.C.

Norma Gene Strawn Rambow is such a "bright spot" in my life, and I am so fortunate to call her my friend.


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