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RIF Charles R. Drew Elementary School, Arlington, Virginia Book Reading.

in celebration of Black History Month, my colleagues of Reading Is Fundamental of Northern Virginia and myself have been invited to Charles R. Drew Elementary School, Arlington, Virginia to read to students.

I had the privilege of sharing a book about Rosa Parks, Writer and Activist, with Fourth Graders at Drew Elementary.These Fourth-Grade students were so engaged in our discussion about Rosa Parks and celebrating the lives of the many Black Americans that have contributed so much to our nation.My very own Fifth Grade Students of the Florida State University Developmental School and myself, had the honor of meeting Rosa Parks in 1994.Meeting Mrs. Parks while teaching at FSU in Tallahassee, Florida will remain a vivid memory for me, for years to come.

Most grateful,

Glenna C. Orr (Reading Specialist & Director of The Kind Kids Organization)


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