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Summer Learning/Reading A Book!

What better way is there to continue to emphasize the importance of reading and learning throughout the summer, than to give a child a book to read!  Children of all ages will realize academic success and pure enjoyment when they take a captured time each and every day to read a book.

As a Board Member of Reading Is Fundamental of Northern Virginia, it is my privilege to visit schools in the Northern Virginia area and spend time with students, teachers, and staff members.  During some of my visits, I am able to be a part of book distributions that are a collaborative initiative between many school sites and Reading Is Fundamental of Northern Virginia.  Just recently, I visited James K. Polk Elementary, Alexandria, Virginia, a RIF of NOVA school site that promoted summer reading, by giving each student in the school the opportunity to select and keep their own special book.

In conjunction with choosing a favorite book, each student made an Origami bookmark for their personal book selection, and voted for their favorite book that Librarian/RIF Liaison, Leslie Broughton had read to them during the school year.  Wonderful learning in play, and smiles all the way around! 

So, visit your local library, revisit the stacks of books in your very own home, and get comfortable with a good read!

Most Grateful,


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